True, I do (and your snarkiness is noted), but as a former journalist, I'm significantly funnier and wittier on paper (or computer screen, as the case may be).
As I go through the process of training for a triathlon with Team In Training, I'll be updating this space with anecdotes about the workouts and using fancy terms like "drills" and "BRick workouts" and "flat tires." I will also help you keep tabs on my fundraising efforts, so you know exactly when to reach a little deeper into those pockets to help me reach my goal.
This is the place where you'll find out about upcoming fundraising events, and see pictures from the ones you couldn't make (or find yourself looking all drunk and silly in the ones you did attend).
I will also be updating you regularly on our Honored Teammates (survivors and those undergoing treatment who are training alongside us or inspiring us to train). For starters, there's my own personal honoree, my brother Jeremy, who you can read about on my fundraising page ( (see how I did that? linking you back to the fundraising page? Genius).
I hope you'll join me in my primary goal of raising $10,000 for blood cancer research and my secondary goal of not passing out on the side of the road somewhere in Monterey, California during my race, or coming out of the water looking like this:

Thank you for taking this journey with me!
1 comment:
You go girl! I will send in my donation now. Looking forward to following your training adventures! xo
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